Completed Auction 319146074
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Auction valued 33 bids ended Sun Nov 06, 07:59:08 PM. (began 07:58:19 PM) (Drawing Pencil Set with Case) SWP
$0.08 - pfaucett1 (2) 0.984 (19:58:52.70) 0.006
$?0.06? - deeboy3 (1) 7.984 (19:58:38.70) 0.007
$?0.04? - pfaucett1 (1) 1.996 (19:58:31.68) 0.006
$?0.02? - ovindoli1 (1) 6.065 (19:58:19.61) 0.006
$?0.00? - null (1) ? (18:13:06.17) 0.176