Completed Auction 868144395
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Auction valued 60 bids ended Thu Nov 24, 05:06:32 PM. (began 05:04:39 PM) (Art of Appreciation Tea Gift Tote)
$0.16 - rifatrifat6 (4) -0.015 (17:06:16.12) 0.008
$?0.14? - nicoleebee5 (3) -0.012 (17:06:01.11) 0.007
$?0.12? - rifatrifat6 (3) 1.985 (17:05:46.12) 0.007
$?0.10? - nicoleebee5 (2) -0.01 (17:05:33.11) 0.007
$?0.08? - srtsljr6 (1) -0.019 (17:05:18.12) 0.008
$?0.06? - rifatrifat6 (2) 4.981 (17:05:03.12) 0.006
$?0.04? - nicoleebee5 (1) 0.984 (17:04:53.12) 0.008
$?0.02? - rifatrifat6 (1) 5.989 (17:04:39.11) 0.007
$?0.00? - null (1) ? (14:44:33.09) 0.095