A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-Z | 1-9 |
Here are each December user's Activity Matrix and Bid Histogram. If a user's Activity Matrix has less than 10 yellow lines (vertical plus hortizonal), they are most likely a robot. If a user's Bid Histogram shows low integer bidding then they are a robot since that histogram is impossible for any real user to achieve [as explained here]. Humans names are highlighted yellow. | |||
baa-bes | bet-ble | blf-bre | bre-byr |
bethheisel5 (545 bids) ROBOT | bethmabus1 (1101 bids) ROBOT | betlou36 (997 bids) ROBOT | betsygibson3 (1091 bids) ROBOT |
betsynorth2 (818 bids) ROBOT | Bevl7 (1121 bids) ROBOT | bevtay7 (955 bids) ROBOT | bfarrell395 (617 bids) ROBOT |
Bfitz8 (585 bids) ROBOT | BFMVChick08 (1120 bids) ROBOT | bfox (1043 bids) ROBOT | bhowerton065 (896 bids) ROBOT |
bhutch (1033 bids) ROBOT | BIDCOLLECTOR (1327 bids) ROBOT | Bidmaster666 (1719 bids) ROBOT | big4o8 (992 bids) ROBOT |
bigdaddyo7 (1092 bids) ROBOT | BIGDADDYT93 (895 bids) ROBOT | bigdaddywife2 (1466 bids) ROBOT | bigdeals4mama7 (2626 bids) ROBOT |
biggeral (853 bids) ROBOT | BigKuban (881 bids) ROBOT | bigmacwcheese (906 bids) ROBOT | bigman (861 bids) ROBOT |
bigmoneymoving (963 bids) ROBOT | Bigterry4 (1396 bids) ROBOT | bigtrukpurple8 (2155 bids) ROBOT | billjustice2 (846 bids) ROBOT |
billmalachi2 (859 bids) ROBOT | billmc (985 bids) ROBOT | bing (1183 bids) ROBOT | bingbond30 (1143 bids) ROBOT |
bingbong08 (959 bids) ROBOT | Bingo8 (1390 bids) ROBOT | bishopl5 (1112 bids) ROBOT | Bittersweet46 (753 bids) ROBOT |
bjajgriff21 (775 bids) ROBOT | bjcpinkcadillac01 (2361 bids) ROBOT | BJK (724 bids) ROBOT | bjsteele (1329 bids) ROBOT |
bjtharrison5 (780 bids) ROBOT | bkburton (1107 bids) ROBOT | bkeeling4 (700 bids) ROBOT | bkish (577 bids) ROBOT |
BKLYNTUTI7 (1306 bids) ROBOT | blackesfour503 (2379 bids) ROBOT | Blackrose6 (1285 bids) ROBOT | blairrodney90 (913 bids) ROBOT |
blancagmz7 (1047 bids) ROBOT | blancalopez53 (1167 bids) ROBOT | blawil2 (1335 bids) ROBOT | Blenny7 (1052 bids) ROBOT |