A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-Z | 1-9 |
Here are each December user's Activity Matrix and Bid Histogram. If a user's Activity Matrix has less than 10 yellow lines (vertical plus hortizonal), they are most likely a robot. If a user's Bid Histogram shows low integer bidding then they are a robot since that histogram is impossible for any real user to achieve [as explained here]. Humans names are highlighted yellow. | |
g3r-gop | got-gyp |
G3RMZ (806 bids) ROBOT | gabrielaenriquez9 (1680 bids) ROBOT | gabryellasmommy (485 bids) ROBOT | gailmurphy4 (908 bids) ROBOT |
galaxybidder (392 bids) ROBOT | gamecockgirl3 (1386 bids) ROBOT | gameovermj2 (824 bids) ROBOT | ganelson9 (864 bids) ROBOT |
garbear (1080 bids) ROBOT | garmaclee (1277 bids) ROBOT | garzangelina77 (1763 bids) ROBOT | gashanks410 (1078 bids) ROBOT |
gasman (1010 bids) ROBOT | Gaston2 (1782 bids) ROBOT | Gatlinpw9 (918 bids) ROBOT | gayrsavage70 (1238 bids) ROBOT |
gclue (946 bids) ROBOT | gcoots617 (963 bids) ROBOT | gcwiser75 (1305 bids) ROBOT | genareyes8 (828 bids) ROBOT |
genesispictures0 (1468 bids) ROBOT | Geofarm5 (924 bids) ROBOT | georgejessel0 (1228 bids) ROBOT | GEORGETCRAPPIE7 (996 bids) ROBOT |
georgiab8 (1053 bids) ROBOT | getmoney7 (800 bids) ROBOT | gforkum01 (1482 bids) ROBOT | gfronk67 (925 bids) ROBOT |
gfy (858 bids) ROBOT | ggor (1271 bids) ROBOT | Ghanson (1335 bids) ROBOT | ghpoloo (700 bids) ROBOT |
giki9 (1203 bids) ROBOT | ginalittlejohn8 (749 bids) ROBOT | Ginuwann7 (956 bids) ROBOT | girlsten3 (681 bids) ROBOT |
giswill3 (1179 bids) ROBOT | gladfernandez9 (1563 bids) ROBOT | glendalewis (1124 bids) ROBOT | glendasimmons7 (730 bids) ROBOT |
gleservices1 (1109 bids) ROBOT | glocay (1159 bids) ROBOT | glsinclair5 (922 bids) ROBOT | gmc (1170 bids) ROBOT |
gmstraube (728 bids) ROBOT | godshearts (782 bids) ROBOT | goneal (1088 bids) ROBOT | Gonnawinthis32 (1096 bids) ROBOT |
goodrichc7 (1136 bids) ROBOT | goombah7 (994 bids) ROBOT | gopalan2 (1231 bids) ROBOT | gopalsarkar75 (1023 bids) ROBOT |