A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-Z | 1-9 |
Here are each December user's Activity Matrix and Bid Histogram. If a user's Activity Matrix has less than 10 yellow lines (vertical plus hortizonal), they are most likely a robot. If a user's Bid Histogram shows low integer bidding then they are a robot since that histogram is impossible for any real user to achieve [as explained here]. Humans names are highlighted yellow. | ||
haa-hjj | hmd-ink | ino-iza |
haasju7 (1130 bids) ROBOT | habensen9 (788 bids) ROBOT | hackenburg6 (1146 bids) ROBOT | haejo8 (1059 bids) ROBOT |
hagangirl (723 bids) ROBOT | hahnjan9 (832 bids) ROBOT | hajib44 (669 bids) ROBOT | hakeem11 (1129 bids) ROBOT |
Hallandale5 (683 bids) ROBOT | halliemichael2 (2181 bids) ROBOT | hamira8 (1122 bids) ROBOT | handelect (1055 bids) ROBOT |
hanwi36 (1221 bids) ROBOT | happyann0 (1504 bids) ROBOT | happypersontoseeya6 (753 bids) ROBOT | HarrisEnotiades52 (1056 bids) ROBOT |
HarryHood (1228 bids) ROBOT | harveyboyzmom2 (838 bids) ROBOT | hassael (1136 bids) ROBOT | haszaan12 (758 bids) ROBOT |
havantran4 (688 bids) ROBOT | hbrownwalking7 (498 bids) ROBOT | h0daka4 (1069 bids) ROBOT | heape (812 bids) ROBOT |
Heatbevineau6 (1056 bids) ROBOT | heatheranne (1143 bids) ROBOT | heatherlolmusic5 (1071 bids) ROBOT | heavenlyhair (967 bids) ROBOT |
heavycarybellis982 (1040 bids) ROBOT | hecbse (605 bids) ROBOT | hedmonds4 (778 bids) ROBOT | hego (772 bids) ROBOT |
heidilyno6 (896 bids) ROBOT | HeidiMarie (768 bids) ROBOT | HeliCMDR (1168 bids) ROBOT | helpmeshop4 (738 bids) ROBOT |
Hemi370 (1150 bids) ROBOT | herbyg4 (2106 bids) ROBOT | hereimis6 (570 bids) ROBOT | heresjimmie (750 bids) ROBOT |
heromill (782 bids) ROBOT | herrejon (1000 bids) ROBOT | heshua (1238 bids) ROBOT | heyawhit1 (949 bids) ROBOT |
hgergich1 (1267 bids) ROBOT | higgy (1298 bids) ROBOT | Highland (1252 bids) ROBOT | hillis40 (5279 bids) ROBOT |
hiramsanchez6 (896 bids) ROBOT | history4us6 (913 bids) ROBOT | hiten (966 bids) ROBOT | hjjjjjjjjj8 (862 bids) ROBOT |