A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-Z | 1-9 |
Here are each December user's Activity Matrix and Bid Histogram. If a user's Activity Matrix has less than 10 yellow lines (vertical plus hortizonal), they are most likely a robot. If a user's Bid Histogram shows low integer bidding then they are a robot since that histogram is impossible for any real user to achieve [as explained here]. Humans names are highlighted yellow. | ||||
j30-jcp | jcp-jha | jhn-joe | jog-juj | jul-jya |
jcpatty (1021 bids) ROBOT | jcurcio (1078 bids) ROBOT | jcwliam (2512 bids) ROBOT | jdennis (793 bids) ROBOT |
jdiblasio48 (994 bids) ROBOT | jdonovan (958 bids) ROBOT | jdptrsen98 (1145 bids) ROBOT | jdstrucking (985 bids) ROBOT |
jeanmariejohnson (1127 bids) ROBOT | JeanniePieri0 (977 bids) ROBOT | jeannmccoy90 (1176 bids) ROBOT | jebesa4 (1170 bids) ROBOT |
JEBLACKWELL (1288 bids) ROBOT | jeffer (503 bids) ROBOT | JeffJ3 (1263 bids) ROBOT | JeffLee3 (943 bids) ROBOT |
jeffnshida0 (963 bids) ROBOT | jeffreydugger (2560 bids) ROBOT | jefner (1275 bids) ROBOT | jegles0 (732 bids) ROBOT |
jeliamarotrevino (731 bids) ROBOT | JenArkell3 (1219 bids) ROBOT | jenjen2ky851 (1064 bids) ROBOT | JenLRK1 (1416 bids) ROBOT |
jenmreed (1100 bids) ROBOT | jennie (1105 bids) ROBOT | jenniepoo (1027 bids) ROBOT | JENNIFERPALLAZOLA8 (1095 bids) ROBOT |
jenniferthu4 (1271 bids) ROBOT | jennmiller0 (1177 bids) ROBOT | jephbliws8 (876 bids) ROBOT | jericho1 (1524 bids) ROBOT |
jerome (827 bids) ROBOT | jeromeB57 (1580 bids) ROBOT | jerryxb (954 bids) ROBOT | Jesenia6 (692 bids) ROBOT |
jesipeki3 (874 bids) ROBOT | jessefuls2 (1166 bids) ROBOT | JessFe6 (790 bids) ROBOT | jessis (697 bids) ROBOT |
jessitay6 (1091 bids) ROBOT | jetdoc7 (1009 bids) ROBOT | JETski7 (1202 bids) ROBOT | jetta (1000 bids) ROBOT |
jeymaq4 (1077 bids) ROBOT | jezebellaella7 (886 bids) ROBOT | jfitzger9 (673 bids) ROBOT | jfretter4 (1159 bids) ROBOT |
jfwillie1 (1582 bids) ROBOT | jgraygi2 (1395 bids) ROBOT | jhamh1 (1025 bids) ROBOT | jharding (806 bids) ROBOT |