A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-Z | 1-9 |
Here are each December user's Activity Matrix and Bid Histogram. If a user's Activity Matrix has less than 10 yellow lines (vertical plus hortizonal), they are most likely a robot. If a user's Bid Histogram shows low integer bidding then they are a robot since that histogram is impossible for any real user to achieve [as explained here]. Humans names are highlighted yellow. | |||||
m88-mar | mar-mcl | mcm-mic | mic-mmw | mne-mrs | mrs-mys |
mariadelrosario2 (2300 bids) ROBOT | mariahelena9 (1496 bids) ROBOT | marianfranky4 (795 bids) ROBOT | marieisabella6 (1024 bids) ROBOT |
marielle9 (1398 bids) ROBOT | marietorres (936 bids) ROBOT | marilyn14kgold5 (901 bids) ROBOT | MARILYNSINGS2 (731 bids) ROBOT |
marimomma7 (1072 bids) ROBOT | Mariner (651 bids) ROBOT | marino (562 bids) ROBOT | marisolfresa3 (989 bids) ROBOT |
markej (1373 bids) ROBOT | markelsnyder1 (924 bids) ROBOT | markleon4 (641 bids) ROBOT | marlop (1054 bids) ROBOT |
marmaf (1009 bids) ROBOT | marque89 (799 bids) ROBOT | marsbar3 (1262 bids) ROBOT | marshaevans94 (887 bids) ROBOT |
mart9 (621 bids) ROBOT | Marthaner6 (1139 bids) ROBOT | martinhdzjr0 (1040 bids) ROBOT | marybaiza9 (1335 bids) ROBOT |
marybriggsham2 (1084 bids) ROBOT | marykhedrick3 (855 bids) ROBOT | marymjtaylor3 (940 bids) ROBOT | maryrich4 (1200 bids) ROBOT |
marystrong5 (1244 bids) ROBOT | marywe0 (705 bids) ROBOT | mashinka544 (1036 bids) ROBOT | mashtey2 (875 bids) ROBOT |
matildasfarme9 (1512 bids) ROBOT | Mattdellap5 (811 bids) ROBOT | matthewjmoorer6 (892 bids) ROBOT | mattjay (1062 bids) ROBOT |
mattmjn0 (820 bids) ROBOT | mattmuller52 (881 bids) ROBOT | maupin (1187 bids) ROBOT | mauriceagardner6 (2461 bids) ROBOT |
maximiano3 (983 bids) ROBOT | maxmax2 (288 bids) ROBOT | mblevins (955 bids) ROBOT | mbourbeau0 (827 bids) ROBOT |
mcallist3 (920 bids) ROBOT | mcbenn (1097 bids) ROBOT | mccoyboy8 (1394 bids) ROBOT | mcgrawcmcgraw2 (1796 bids) ROBOT |
mch (1178 bids) ROBOT | mcjules (938 bids) ROBOT | mcleodn8 (942 bids) ROBOT | mclones4 (941 bids) ROBOT |