Auction Price: | $4.52 |
Bidder: | themez48 |
Worth up to: | $322.00 |
Auction price: | - $4.52 |
Savings: | $317.48 |
Number of Recent Bidders: | 0 |
Price + Buy It Now Fees: | $347.76 |
Bid rebate: | -$0.00 |
Purchase price: | $347.76 |
Product Features
Product Description
The Whynter Dual Temperature Zone Wine Cooler allows for 21 bottles of wine storage capacity, 6 bottles in the top zone and 15 bottles in the bottom zone with vibration-free thermoelectric cooling. With the thermoelectric system, your wine is kept at the appropriate temperature and humidity level without damaging vibrations. This cooling system has no moving parts and is CFC-free, which means that you get silent, long-lasting, and environmentally safe refrigeration for your collection.
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