Auction Price: | $1.30 |
Bidder: | perro2 |
Worth up to: | $25.00 |
Auction price: | - $1.30 |
Savings: | $23.70 |
Number of Recent Bidders: | 0 |
$1.30 | perro2 |
$1.28 | strickly01 |
$1.26 | markelsnyder1 |
$1.24 | strickly01 |
$1.22 | markelsnyder1 |
$1.20 | strickly01 |
$1.18 | markelsnyder1 |
Price + Buy It Now Fees: | $27.00 |
Bid rebate: | -$0.00 |
Purchase price: | $27.00 |
Product Features
Product Description
The Attack Wave Pestrepeller produces strong sound pressure in the air, attacking the auditory and nervous systems of rodents causing them to abandon their food sources and shelters. The ultrasonic sounds continuously penetrate up to 5,000 unobstructed square feet. In addition, the Attack Wave Pestrepeller utilizes automatic wave variation, minimizing the chance that pests become immune to the sound. Inaudible and harmless to humans and common pets*, this unit operates totally chemical and battery free, making it the easiest way to keep bugs on the run. Do not use in the presence of Gerbils, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, and other rodent pets.
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