
Auction ID: 1521691566

Meguiar Supreme Shine Microfiber

Meguiar's X2020 Supreme Shine Microfiber is the best cloth for shining your car.

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on 12/8/11 6:06:07 PM
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Product Details

Meguiar Supreme Shine Microfiber

Product Features

  • Produces a mirror-like shine on all finishes
  • Thick, deep pile has more absorbency
  • Safety edging prevents scratching
  • Pre-washed for maximum absorbency

Product Description

Meguiar's Supreme Shine Microfiber produces amazing mirror-like shine on all finishes. The thick, deep, dual-sided microfiber pile has three time more absorbency than traditional terry towels, and safety edging eliminates the possibility of scratching. It's prewashed for maximum absorbency and is safe with clear coats.

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