Auction Price: | $0.90 |
Bidder: | emellyz2 |
Worth up to: | $30.00 |
Auction price: | - $0.90 |
Savings: | $29.10 |
Number of Recent Bidders: | 0 |
$0.90 | emellyz2 |
$0.88 | KeokuLyons |
$0.86 | emellyz2 |
$0.84 | garbear |
$0.82 | emellyz2 |
$0.80 | KeokuLyons |
$0.78 | emellyz2 |
Price + Buy It Now Fees: | $32.40 |
Bid rebate: | -$0.00 |
Purchase price: | $32.40 |
Product Features
Product Description
A Smarter Way to Weed
Fiskars' stand-up weeder makes it easy to remove invasive plants from your lawn without kneeling, bending over, or using harsh, costly herbicide. Serrated, stainless-steel claws penetrate tough soil to grab weeds by the root for clean removal, and an easy-eject mechanism on the handle clears the head between uses. An extra-long handle helps you reach every weed without sore knees from kneeling or back strain from bending.
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