Auction Price: | $1.44 |
Bidder: | davidwdavis |
Worth up to: | $27.00 |
Auction price: | - $1.44 |
Savings: | $25.56 |
Number of Recent Bidders: | 0 |
$1.44 | davidwdavis |
$1.42 | kerisjohnston0 |
$1.40 | meeesh |
$1.38 | sezsez7 |
$1.36 | djohn |
$1.34 | pierline8 |
$1.32 | jjlm33 |
Price + Buy It Now Fees: | $29.16 |
Bid rebate: | -$0.00 |
Purchase price: | $29.16 |
Product Features
Product Description
The Fiskars 24-inch leaf rake features a nearly-unbreakable rake head made from virgin resin, and sports extra-wide tines with a gentle curve that prevents leaves and small debris from getting lodged in the tines. Meanwhile, the wide, 24-inch head can clear a nice wide path with each pass. Other features include a sturdy aluminum shaft that is lightweight for ease of use and a teardrop-shape for ergonomic comfort. The long handle also reduces back fatigue by allowing you to use the rake at a proper angle for a correct working posture.
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