Auction Price: | $1.12 |
Bidder: | pepperdog341 |
Worth up to: | $18.00 |
Auction price: | - $1.12 |
Savings: | $16.88 |
Number of Recent Bidders: | 0 |
$1.12 | pepperdog341 |
$1.10 | HeliCMDR |
$1.08 | chainscouds |
$1.06 | HeliCMDR |
$1.04 | chainscouds |
$1.02 | HeliCMDR |
$1.00 | courttneyjohn |
Price + Buy It Now Fees: | $19.44 |
Bid rebate: | -$0.00 |
Purchase price: | $19.44 |
Product Features
Product Description
Reuse and recycle plastic grocery bags in style with this sleek-looking grocery-bag holder--its spacious design accommodates up to 30 standard-size plastic grocery bags at a time. To use, simply tuck empty bags into the unit's upper opening, then pull them out as needed from its wide dispensing area on the front. Screws and double-sided tape come included for mounting the unit onto a wall or cabinet door or inside a closet for convenient yet hidden access. Combining brushed stainless steel and sturdy plastic, the unit's classic silver and black color scheme brings trendy appeal to any kitchen, pantry, laundry room, or utility room. The wall-mounted grocery-bag holder measures 3-3/5 by 6-1/2 by 15-1/2 inches and carries a 10-year limited warranty.
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