Auction Price: | $0.36 |
Bidder: | Neverstoping |
Worth up to: | $30.00 |
Auction price: | - $0.36 |
Savings: | $29.64 |
Number of Recent Bidders: | 0 |
$0.36 | Neverstoping |
$0.34 | lnazareno7 |
$0.32 | Neverstoping |
$0.30 | Jourdian |
$0.28 | Neverstoping |
$0.26 | Jourdian |
$0.24 | Neverstoping |
Price + Buy It Now Fees: | $32.40 |
Bid rebate: | -$0.00 |
Purchase price: | $32.40 |
Product Features
Product Description
Introducing the new 50 count K-Cup package from Diedrich Coffee. This new larger package optimizes for our customers. It is more efficient resulting in both a lower cost and a green sensibility, given the reduced waste. You can find this package on K-cups by Diedrich Coffee, Coffee People, and Gloria Jean’s Coffee. So go ahead and explore all the great K-Cup varieties in the new 50-count package.
The K-Cup Magic
The K-Cup magic allows you to brew the perfect cup of gourmet coffee -- every time. No more guessing how much water or how many beans to grind, and best of all no more mess! Each individually sealed K-Cup contains ground beans protected until you brew them -- all you need to do is insert your K-Cup, hit the button and allow the Keurig machine to brew you your next cup of gourmet coffee.
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