Auction Price: | $2.18 |
Bidder: | jonif7 |
Worth up to: | $39.00 |
Auction price: | - $2.18 |
Savings: | $36.82 |
Number of Recent Bidders: | 0 |
$2.18 | jonif7 |
$2.16 | rhinoman |
$2.14 | jonif7 |
$2.12 | rhinoman |
$2.10 | zookone1 |
$2.08 | rhinoman |
$2.06 | jonif7 |
Price + Buy It Now Fees: | $42.12 |
Bid rebate: | -$0.00 |
Purchase price: | $42.12 |
Technical Details
Product Description
This Rubbermaid 3-step steel stool folds up to under 3 inches thin for easy storage yet has a large standing platform for stable and secure use. The convenient hand grip make the stool easy to climb and carry, while the non-marring feet are easy on you and your floor.
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