Auction Price: | $1.74 |
Bidder: | ruedudecasscord7 |
Worth up to: | $27.00 |
Auction price: | - $1.74 |
Savings: | $25.26 |
Number of Recent Bidders: | 0 |
$1.74 | ruedudecasscord7 |
$1.72 | linbil |
$1.70 | JessFe6 |
$1.68 | muffinman1 |
$1.66 | linbil |
$1.64 | ruedudecasscord7 |
$1.62 | linbil |
Price + Buy It Now Fees: | $29.16 |
Bid rebate: | -$0.00 |
Purchase price: | $29.16 |
Product Features
Product Description
SNO BRuM offers consumers a tool designed to quickly sweep snow off the car and away from the user without harming the vehicle's finish. Drivers can easily push heavy snow off the hood and trunk without scratching the paint. The durable molded polyethylene foam head has been lab tested for non-abrasiveness, freeze resistance, center load stress, and durability. The high-impact plastic face plate is supported by seven columns that distribute the weight load, making it effective on even heavy wet snow. The powder coated steel telescoping handle has cold resistant nylon threads and extends from 27 inches to 46 inches.
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