A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-Z | 1-9 |
Here are each December user's Activity Matrix and Bid Histogram. If a user's Activity Matrix has less than 10 yellow lines (vertical plus hortizonal), they are most likely a robot. If a user's Bid Histogram shows low integer bidding then they are a robot since that histogram is impossible for any real user to achieve [as explained here]. Humans names are highlighted yellow. | |||||
saa-sbl | sbr-sha | sha-slb | sle-sro | srs-sun | sup-szu |
superbidder759 (1044 bids) ROBOT | supercalifrag4 (2561 bids) ROBOT | superroyal (660 bids) ROBOT | superstartre6 (1912 bids) ROBOT |
supfin (1258 bids) ROBOT | surfnange4 (996 bids) ROBOT | susangerry5 (927 bids) ROBOT | susiegabel99 (689 bids) ROBOT |
susiep (978 bids) ROBOT | suzqpearson2 (944 bids) ROBOT | Svalente (1003 bids) ROBOT | svendsan9 (1047 bids) ROBOT |
svogel80 (1348 bids) ROBOT | sweedie1 (1225 bids) ROBOT | sweet2kittens8 (683 bids) ROBOT | SweetCheeks915 (316 bids) ROBOT |
sweetea (949 bids) ROBOT | sweetstamps3 (1080 bids) ROBOT | swesley7 (800 bids) ROBOT | swestbrock1 (910 bids) ROBOT |
Swhitingjr4 (1225 bids) ROBOT | Sylvenfox78 (1392 bids) ROBOT | syoder (1078 bids) ROBOT | SZACK4 (1286 bids) ROBOT |
szlickrick (837 bids) ROBOT | szq5 (1265 bids) ROBOT | szurawik0 (790 bids) ROBOT |