A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-Z | 1-9 |
Here are each December user's Activity Matrix and Bid Histogram. If a user's Activity Matrix has less than 10 yellow lines (vertical plus hortizonal), they are most likely a robot. If a user's Bid Histogram shows low integer bidding then they are a robot since that histogram is impossible for any real user to achieve [as explained here]. Humans names are highlighted yellow. | |||||
saa-sbl | sbr-sha | sha-slb | sle-sro | srs-sun | sup-szu |
srscott (1439 bids) ROBOT | SrThespian87 (1197 bids) ROBOT | srtsljr6 (1187 bids) ROBOT | sshstuna6 (1302 bids) ROBOT |
ssmith92 (719 bids) ROBOT | sstoseguera3 (750 bids) ROBOT | staceythorpe6 (2224 bids) ROBOT | StacyKHaskins6 (1239 bids) ROBOT |
stacyvaughn (1378 bids) ROBOT | stag (902 bids) ROBOT | stanoly6 (832 bids) ROBOT | starboardyacht41 (914 bids) ROBOT |
starjohn (1179 bids) ROBOT | starpc (1037 bids) ROBOT | starquilt (662 bids) ROBOT | starrmula9 (1109 bids) ROBOT |
stebo9 (1017 bids) ROBOT | steezaleo711 (816 bids) ROBOT | stefanieshrake8 (1173 bids) ROBOT | stellablue (952 bids) ROBOT |
STEPH (882 bids) ROBOT | stephelo0 (1433 bids) ROBOT | stephsbbw78 (950 bids) ROBOT | stereocrush79 (2363 bids) ROBOT |
steveandlaurice2 (1129 bids) ROBOT | stevenleba6 (819 bids) ROBOT | stevkovs1 (747 bids) ROBOT | STIvenpann1 (1066 bids) ROBOT |
stj086 (1107 bids) ROBOT | stlking (852 bids) ROBOT | stockguy (824 bids) ROBOT | Stoic7 (953 bids) ROBOT |
STOPBIDDING99 (450 bids) ROBOT | storminlj1 (917 bids) ROBOT | stormylynne3 (888 bids) ROBOT | strangewanderer0 (2189 bids) ROBOT |
strawberry (907 bids) ROBOT | strickly01 (809 bids) ROBOT | Stride6 (1249 bids) ROBOT | Stroker (872 bids) ROBOT |
stuholds3 (1066 bids) ROBOT | stupidhuman2 (684 bids) ROBOT | sueannreilly1 (733 bids) ROBOT | sugejager39 (895 bids) ROBOT |
suiteboss7 (1249 bids) ROBOT | sujo (959 bids) ROBOT | summerxqk2 (1248 bids) ROBOT | sunangel (1147 bids) ROBOT |
sunilvphilip0 (1916 bids) ROBOT | sunnyallday (598 bids) ROBOT | sunset (782 bids) ROBOT | Sunshinetou6 (1012 bids) ROBOT |