A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-Z | 1-9 |
Here are each December user's Activity Matrix and Bid Histogram. If a user's Activity Matrix has less than 10 yellow lines (vertical plus hortizonal), they are most likely a robot. If a user's Bid Histogram shows low integer bidding then they are a robot since that histogram is impossible for any real user to achieve [as explained here]. Humans names are highlighted yellow. | |||
t7g-the | the-tom | tom-tst | tst-tys |
thegirlz (747 bids) ROBOT | thelastmedic (1215 bids) ROBOT | TheLBfam9 (1111 bids) ROBOT | themarsh2 (724 bids) ROBOT |
themez48 (897 bids) ROBOT | thepatersons (698 bids) ROBOT | theproblemchild (984 bids) ROBOT | thesuprm (919 bids) ROBOT |
thetalina6 (1173 bids) ROBOT | TheWarden (10707 bids) ROBOT | thiagoilustra0 (1091 bids) ROBOT | thistyme82 (890 bids) ROBOT |
thomasfritz5 (1108 bids) ROBOT | thorntonlmt1 (1036 bids) ROBOT | thost1 (1107 bids) ROBOT | thurmg3 (1132 bids) ROBOT |
tica (645 bids) ROBOT | tier (1203 bids) ROBOT | tiffanilachel5 (2671 bids) ROBOT | tiffaniz (1261 bids) ROBOT |
tiffbyron (850 bids) ROBOT | tiffers (1061 bids) ROBOT | tigadunner626 (2058 bids) ROBOT | tigerpaws (1133 bids) ROBOT |
tiggaman8 (1183 bids) ROBOT | tiggermomma (1163 bids) ROBOT | tills (1244 bids) ROBOT | TimeToStop (1373 bids) ROBOT |
timwylie (889 bids) ROBOT | tinatalley (729 bids) ROBOT | tinerbeaner1 (1045 bids) ROBOT | tippinthebottle5 (1429 bids) ROBOT |
tishb (940 bids) ROBOT | Titous2 (782 bids) ROBOT | tkourany7 (1375 bids) ROBOT | tlbarksdale7 (822 bids) ROBOT |
tledbetter0 (824 bids) ROBOT | tlfroum6 (1110 bids) ROBOT | tlhharr (1002 bids) ROBOT | tlynholland93 (786 bids) ROBOT |
tmartinsr6 (1365 bids) ROBOT | tmaslow5 (594 bids) ROBOT | tmeilander42 (782 bids) ROBOT | tnail4 (1161 bids) ROBOT |
tnbailey2 (1167 bids) ROBOT | tndav (798 bids) ROBOT | tnickie4 (597 bids) ROBOT | tobykitty (828 bids) ROBOT |
toluwaloju2 (1196 bids) ROBOT | tomeca9 (847 bids) ROBOT | Tomekia52 (946 bids) ROBOT | tommymabus (392 bids) ROBOT |