A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-Z | 1-9 |
Here are each April user's Activity Matrix and Bid Histogram. If a user's Activity Matrix has 2 or fewer yellow lines (vertical plus hortizonal), that user never rests and they are a robot. Additionally, if a user's Bid Histogram is close to the red outline, they are most likely a robot. Humans' names are highlighted yellow. [Red outline explained here]. |
ham-iri |
hamptoq414 (2372 bids) ROBOT | harborrhb (2846 bids) ROBOT | hargh (2757 bids) ROBOT | haricb (2505 bids) ROBOT |
hat66 (3170 bids) ROBOT | hayes1 (2957 bids) ROBOT | hcptwo2 (2554 bids) ROBOT | heathercaltahan (3513 bids) ROBOT |
hehopkins5 (2780 bids) ROBOT | hekii (2983 bids) ROBOT | Helmomyfriend (2585 bids) ROBOT | Heronimal304 (2606 bids) ROBOT |
Herroyalhighness2 (2910 bids) ROBOT | heunz12 (2743 bids) ROBOT | hillis40 (374 bids) ROBOT | hillsob3 (2370 bids) ROBOT |
historyitthemaking (2473 bids) ROBOT | hmymyint (2733 bids) ROBOT | honko (3696 bids) ROBOT | hopetowin (2702 bids) ROBOT |
Hotbuns22 (2614 bids) ROBOT | hotirv (3259 bids) ROBOT | hragsr (2218 bids) ROBOT | hshirk2 (2625 bids) ROBOT |
hsk (2338 bids) ROBOT | htsgftball (3096 bids) ROBOT | hubdaddy (3216 bids) ROBOT | hyamrayegy (3079 bids) ROBOT |
ib4gains8 (2209 bids) ROBOT | idmac70l7 (2590 bids) ROBOT | idontstop27 (8177 bids) ROBOT | Ihate2lz (312 bids) ROBOT |
iieesawl5 (3250 bids) ROBOT | imlucku (2982 bids) ROBOT | imnotastar (2855 bids) ROBOT | in1ing (3281 bids) ROBOT |
ircope31 (3274 bids) ROBOT | Iriserose42 (2801 bids) ROBOT |