A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-Z | 1-9 |
Here are each April user's Activity Matrix and Bid Histogram. If a user's Activity Matrix has 2 or fewer yellow lines (vertical plus hortizonal), that user never rests and they are a robot. Additionally, if a user's Bid Histogram is close to the red outline, they are most likely a robot. Humans' names are highlighted yellow. [Red outline explained here]. | |
m4p-mik | mik-my1 |
M4P (2984 bids) ROBOT | madieamom07 (3024 bids) ROBOT | Madskillbill3 (2592 bids) ROBOT | mafeuguson (2849 bids) ROBOT |
magich3z (3114 bids) ROBOT | mahricerogers (3041 bids) ROBOT | majes7001 (3547 bids) ROBOT | mamapaws58 (1996 bids) ROBOT |
mamawi6 (2315 bids) ROBOT | manuymoral (2881 bids) ROBOT | Maoyd (3527 bids) ROBOT | map14 (369 bids) ROBOT |
marcihpaiva (3235 bids) ROBOT | mariaannitte43 (3139 bids) ROBOT | mariagavla (2607 bids) ROBOT | MariaMarlena9 (2759 bids) ROBOT |
Marihberber (2820 bids) ROBOT | mario509 (2453 bids) ROBOT | Mark8G2 (3766 bids) ROBOT | markarrowoutleh (2817 bids) ROBOT |
markej2b (2957 bids) ROBOT | markserkyz (2761 bids) ROBOT | martins2 (2669 bids) ROBOT | mattetate1 (2498 bids) ROBOT |
mattshade (2591 bids) ROBOT | maxt24 (2482 bids) ROBOT | mb5stvle (2724 bids) ROBOT | mbedean5 (2623 bids) ROBOT |
mbeggs15 (2429 bids) ROBOT | MBENZ (3008 bids) ROBOT | mbills1962 (2303 bids) ROBOT | mcmanuel (2952 bids) ROBOT |
mcookia5i3 (3837 bids) ROBOT | md7nicefyrm (2605 bids) ROBOT | MEberhart9 (2985 bids) ROBOT | megbrtmwelm (3416 bids) ROBOT |
melanuea864 (2456 bids) ROBOT | memx51 (3619 bids) ROBOT | Mendez3 (3897 bids) ROBOT | meteddon (2785 bids) ROBOT |
meziejzer (2339 bids) ROBOT | mflatt (21220 bids) ROBOT | mgknzalez (2910 bids) ROBOT | mgmanner (2610 bids) ROBOT |
mhws1403 (2249 bids) ROBOT | micbutter0 (2982 bids) ROBOT | michelmorris (3282 bids) ROBOT | michselh2u (2968 bids) ROBOT |
micrwoaveable (3150 bids) ROBOT | midhael51z7 (2932 bids) ROBOT | miflulu517 (3182 bids) ROBOT | mikedavisw1 (2942 bids) ROBOT |