A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-Z | 1-9 |
Here are each April user's Activity Matrix and Bid Histogram. If a user's Activity Matrix has 2 or fewer yellow lines (vertical plus hortizonal), that user never rests and they are a robot. Additionally, if a user's Bid Histogram is close to the red outline, they are most likely a robot. Humans' names are highlighted yellow. [Red outline explained here]. | |
j73-jqe | jqo-jvo |
jqobins3 (2760 bids) ROBOT | jram81g (2958 bids) ROBOT | jrhatton (3013 bids) ROBOT | JRORIE3 (2617 bids) ROBOT |
jsanders (2467 bids) ROBOT | jsslushy (3019 bids) ROBOT | jstap23 (2831 bids) ROBOT | jtliwanag3 (2572 bids) ROBOT |
jtlowe (2905 bids) ROBOT | jturner (2638 bids) ROBOT | Judrejensen (2936 bids) ROBOT | judymfreyblerr19 (2788 bids) ROBOT |
jujuboefrwin (2729 bids) ROBOT | jules0u0d (3321 bids) ROBOT | JUNALE254 (3362 bids) ROBOT | jusey61 (1733 bids) ROBOT |
justinnewmbn (3161 bids) ROBOT | justmeyep7 (2767 bids) ROBOT | Jvonson12 (2121 bids) ROBOT |